Wolf Designs Viceroy Module 2.7 Single Watch Winder 456002


This Wolf Designs single watch winder is made of black pleather, silver silk, and chrome-plated fittings. Lock-in cuff accomodates bracelets longer than 10". A backlit LCD display provides a countdown of rotations in the cycle. A fully customizable rotation program allows for between 300-1200 turns per day, clockwise, counterclockwise, and bi-directional turning, and different increments for delay, for up to 57 different programming combinations. Runs on an included 3.3V adapter or D batteries. Measures 5.25 inches w x 8 inches d x 6.5 inches h.


Brand Wolf Designs
SKU 456002
Retail $325.00
Item Category Men Wrist Watches

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