Red Wing Shoes Iron Ranger 8084 Black Harness


The Red Wing Shoes Iron Ranger 8084 Black Harness is a classic Red Wing Shoe and is made in Red Wing, Minnesota. The Iron Ranger 8084 is inspired by the Mesabi Iron Range in Northern Minnesota, a rugged area known for its iron mines. The men working in there were referred to as ?Iron Rangers?, emphasising their adventurous mentality. The Iron Ranger is recognised by its double leather toecap to provide extra safety. The Iron Ranger has heel protection for better support and the Black Harness leather ages beautifully. The Red Wing 8084 Iron Ranger has a Vibram 430 Mini Lug outsole which is flexible and oil resistant and comes with black taslan laces. Black Harness leather (Oil Tanned) Vibram 430 Mini Lug outsole Width D (Medium) Product Care: Leather cleaner, All Natural Boot oil


Brand Red Wing Shoes
SKU 8084
Retail $350
Item Category Men Shoes
Shipping 14" L X 10" W X 5" H 48oz

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