
Country: United States

About Embassy

Watch brand found at discount retailers like K-Mart, Steinmart, JTV, and Sears. The watches are often quartz movements, made of chromed metal and often jeweled. Some watches say Embassy by Gruen, although I've found nothing of note about Embassy being owned by Gruen. Gruen was formerly one of the largest watch manufacturers in the United States. It was in business from about 1894 to 1958 and was based in Cincinnati, Ohio. TM Gruen is currently owned worldwide by MZ Berger, Long Island City, New-York, U.S.A. There is a chance the same company bought and used the Embassy brand as a way to sell and market products. This seems likely since MZ Berger made and sold watches of similar make up. Parts seem to all be either Japanese or Chinese origin.

Embassy Gallery

Embassy Images

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